Health Department | PKR 4,400 Million |
- Ensure achievement of KPIs and other performance standards as set out in the agreement.
- Provide technical and/or other trainings to the existing staff.
- Ensure capacity building of the existing staff.
- Comply with existing national and provincial technical guidelines.
- Transparent procurement of essential drugs and supplies.
- Ensure availability of essential medicines.
- Payment of utilities and maintenance of the facility.
The "Improvement of Children Hospital at North Karachi" is a joint project/scheme between Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Health Department, Government of Sindh. The hospital is more than 100 bedded facility equipped with latest equipment.
The objective of the project is to handover public health facilities to credible health management organizations to efficiently operate and maintain the facilities. Improve health care facilities for in-patients and out-patient services.
PPP Modality
Management Contract - Annuity model
Private partner
Poverty Eradication Initiative (PEI)
Procurement Process
The Project was launched for investor solicitation in pursuance to SPP rules 2010. The two (02) bids were received i.e. PEI and Indus Hospital. After technical and financial bids evaluation process, the TFEC declared PEI as the preferred bidder.
PPP Policy Board Approval
The PPP Policy Board in its 19th meeting held on 26th May 2016 under the chairmanship of Honourable Chief Minister Sindh ratified the summary for initiation of private partner procurement process and approved the preferred bidder i.e. PEI, for issuance of LOA and execution of Management Contract.
Execution of Management Contract
The Health Department executed Management Contract on 30th September 2016 for the contract term of 10 years.
Independent Monitoring
Yousuf Adil Chartered Accountants
Presently, the project is under operational phase.